Adwords Training Video Lesson 3 of 3

Conversion Tracking is important so that you can measure the success of the campaign. You're conversion is dependant on your business circumstances. It might be a phone call, website sales, email submission. Learn more here.

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Conversion Tracking - Lesson 3 of 3

You will need to be able to track how your Adwords campaign is performing and to do this, you need to track conversions.

Tracking conversion is a way for you to measure the performance of the Adwords campaign.

If you’re on online retailer, you’re going to need to see the sales volume on your Google analytics. It should show you the source of the sale eg:


You’re ecommerce software should allow for tracking. You'll also need Google Analytics for this.

If you’re a service based business, you might track conversion differently such as monitor email submission, or phone calls.

With phone calls, if the user visits your website via a Google Adwords Ads, the number on your website can change to a Google forwarding number (still looks like a normal number) and if they phone it, we can see the calls in the backend of Google Adwords.

You can measure thank you page visits (after they submitted on the contact us page). This can be tracked if you place conversion tracking code on the thank you page.

You can get your conversion tracking code here: Click into your Google Adwords account Clicks Tools in the top navigation, then select conversions Press the Red Button +

Conversion and then create your conversion creatingconversions After you’ve created it, it will give you a conversion code which you then add to your thank you page if you’re a service related business. If you’re an online retailer, your website software should have it already, and you just need to add some code such as:


That's it for now and I hope this course has been useful to you. If you need help or want to get on a call with me, click the button below and fill in the details.

Start implementing the 3 videos you've watched and you're guaranteed to start your Adwords campaign on the right foot.


See you on the other side.

To your success

Michael Nguyen