Pay per click (PPC) is an amazing marketing medium. You can set a budget, spend it and you’ll know exactly what you’re ROI within a short time frame. If you compare it to offline media, such as radio, flyers, magazine advertising, yellow pages etc, the ROI might not happen straight away if any at all. There’s a time and place for offline marketing but if you’re a business owner and you want results straight away like yesterday, then PPC is the way to go.

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When customers first come to us, they’re usually confused and have no idea where to start. The question usually start with: “I need to do seo, what can I do?” It’s a “how long is a piece of string question”. They’ve heard other business owners talk about it or say it and now they think they need it.

As digital marketing specialist, this is not the time to start pouring out knowledge and say you can do this and that to impress them. It’s time to diagnose what the customer really needs. Nine times out of ten, the real motive for any digital marketing action they take is to generate more sales and leads to the business. Seeing as they started the initial contact about SEO. Our process is to guide and advise accordingly.

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This is our first post since the business started in June 2012. We’ve been so busy ever since, we never gave the website a second thought. To be honest, we didn’t even know what brand name to use but here we are! We are Click Metrics and we aim to be more visible on the web.

Our knowledge is digital marketing, more specifically SEO and PPC but we’ve found that when you just box yourself into two digital marketing disciplines you then fail to see the bigger picture of marketing. This is why we approach marketing questions with a consultative approach.

What will you find and learn from this website?

You will learn what has worked for our clients, what we’ve experienced over the last few years in business and what to expect in the future. Our approach is structured and methodical and it produces results. Download our reports and put it into action! Contact us if you’ve got any problems.